
Riparian woodland

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Local Nature Recovery Strategy Note

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Holiday Cottage Tax Doc

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Tick Health Sheet

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Local Nature Recovery Strategy

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Shooting Report

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Soil Health

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Parliament Wildfire Brief

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Apian Aviation

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Renewables Toolkit

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30 By 30 Strategy Doc

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BNG Offsite Register

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Defra SPA Game Releasing Factsheet

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Cattle Movement Consultation

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CRE Rural Policy

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HSE Lead Shot Opinion

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Future Landscapes Forum

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Fertiliser Rules

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Biomass Strategy

Download File

General Licence 43 FQA

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Unleashing Rural Opportunity

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NELEP Report

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Biodiversity Net gain Pitfalls.

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Defra Nature Markets Framework

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Moorland Veg Research

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GB Invasive Species Strategy

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Transport Select Com Report

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Non Toxic shot survey

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Durham NN Impact

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Growth Plan

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Grey Squirrel Pill Update

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NCC TREE Give Away

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NPowergrid Grant making Policy

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NPowergrid Grant Application Form

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Great Northumberland Forest Update

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HSE Lead Ban Doc

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FE Woodland Partnership

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AHDB Grassland Fert Calc

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New Zealand Trade Deal

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Borderlands March

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FC Ecological Surveys

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BEIS Arwen Report

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Shared Prosperity Fund

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Levelling Up Exec Summary

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General Licence Table

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Net Limitation Order

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Anne-Marie Letter to Ofgem

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Arwen Terms of Reference

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Arwen Invitation Letter

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Call for Upland Evidence

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Bird Flu and Gamebirds

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Ancient Trees

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Key Actions for Farmers

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Wind Turbine Survey letter to Owners

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Drip Torch Guide

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Tree Action Plan

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South Tyne Application Form

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South Tyne Guidance

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Peat Action Plan

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FC Private Woodlands Officers

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Carbon Storage

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Lowland Flood Management

Download File

Sustainable Farming Incentive Pilot

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ELM Policy Discussion

Download File

CSF Priority Areas Map

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Countryside Code Survey

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Lycetts COVID Template

Download File

Sustainable Food & Farming

Download File

LEADER Evaluation

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Borderlands Oct Newsletter

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Natural England 5 Year Plan

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Shooting and COVID

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Lobster Lunch Lot List

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FC Private woodlands Officers

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Northumberland Fire Group Newsletter

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Shoots & COVID

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Planning Proposals

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Download File

FC Tree Protection Guide

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Borderland Newsletter

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CRE Briefing Note

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Signage of PRoWs

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Guidance of PRoWs

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Squirrel Control

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CSF Evaluation

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Mayor's Speech

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Mayor's Speech

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Mayor's Speech

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Labour Animal Manifesto

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Heather Trust Beetle

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More Chalara Info

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Individual Ash Chalara

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Defra Brexit & Farming Leaflet

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Catchment Sensitive farming

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LEADER Celebration

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Landscape Review Interim Findings

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Ash Dieback Case Studies

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Coquet Riverfly Report

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Netting Trial Update

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Small Grant Scheme Booklet

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Land for the Many

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Gen Licence - Crop protection

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Gen Licence - Flora and Fauna

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Gen Licence - Health and Safety

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EA Env Programme

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CAAV on Residential Letting

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EA Salmon & Sea Trout Catch Statistics 2017

Download File

General Licence for Crows (Livestock)

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General Licence for Pigeons

Download File

GWCT Response to Defra on General Licences

Download File

Rules for Water

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Letter to The Field

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GameFisher Article

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CAP Post 2020

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Little Book of Big Scams

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GWCT Heather Burning

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Northumberland Local Plan Update Meetings

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Defra 25 Year Environment Plan

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New Netting & Angling Bye Laws

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Crayfish Strategy

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NCC North Rural Brexit Report Summary

Download File

Northumberland Rivers Trust 2018 Summary

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Lynx Letter

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Home of Ambition

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AHDB Field Drainage Guide

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House of Commons Library Report on Ag Bill

Download File

Agricultural Bill Support Doc to justify removal of Direct Payments

Download File

Defra Ammonia Code

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FC Ash Dieback in woodland

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NCC Team

Download File

Forest Planting & Wader Guidance

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Game Meat Survey

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Borderlands Post-Conference Newsletter

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Fire Officer's letter

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NCC Windfarm Map

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NCC Local Plan Consultation

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Gamefisher Article.

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Countryside Stewardship Letter

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Labour Alliance

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More Free Boilers

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Defra Water Rules

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Letter to SoS re CS Payments

Download File

Electric Collar Response

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Electric Collar Consultation Doc

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Grants for Traditional Buildings

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How To Rent

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New Rules For Farming re Water Pollution

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Response to Consultation on proposed Byelaws

Download File

Proposed new Byelaws for netting & angling

Download File

Netting Consultation Summary

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Health & Harmony

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NALC GDPR Guidance

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Countryside Productivity Grant

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Call For Sites

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NE Fisheries Report

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25 Year Environment Plan

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Point Source Pollution Map

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EPC etc Guidance

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Clean Growth Strategy

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Fish Fungus Update

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EA Baled Waste Guidance

Download File

ConFor Brexit Doc

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AHDB Brexit Doc

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CRE Brexit Doc

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Netting Consultation Response

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A1 Route

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Kielder Release Pilot Report

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Beaters & Tax (S&P)

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Defra Ministerial Roles

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DUP Manifesto

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Conservative Rural Manifesto Pledges

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Labour Daft Manifesto

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SEIF Funding Booklet

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Capital Funding Summary

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Capital Grant Summary

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Borderlands Report

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NFLG Wallington Presentation

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CRE Post Brexit 10 Key Questions

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IPPR Brexit Paper

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Rights of Way Booklet

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RDPE Food Processing

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RDPE Tourism

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RDPE Business Development

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New LEADER Booklet

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EA Fisheries Report 2015

Download File

Defra Bird Flu & Shooting Advice

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Coastal Path: Amble - Berwick

Download File

Farming Update North

Download File

Wallington NT EA Project Summary

Download File

Northumberland Tree & Woodland Strategy

Download File

New Chalara Leaflet

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A1 Northumberland Consultation Meetings

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Conservative Letter on Boundary Changes

Download File

Natural England Conservation 21

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NFLG Grouse/Wildfire Submission

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GWCT Driven Grouse Shooting Factsheet

Download File

Northumberland CC Brexit Paper

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Angling Lobby Brexit Paper

Download File

Salmon Catch Statistics 2015

Download File

NFLG Brexit Discussion Doc

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Warm Up North Free Boiler

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Rural Growth Funding

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Confor Post Brexit Doc

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NSA Upland Sheep Report

Download File

Andrea Leadsom - Fresh Start

Download File

Andrea Leadsom Countryside Alliance Survey

Download File

Film Location Tips

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Harper Adams Brexit Report

Download File

Woodland Return Durham

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Permited Development

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TFA Brexit Doc

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Confor Brexit Doc

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EA New Ditching/Flooding Regs

Download File

RSPB Grouse Shooting

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Martin-Fagg BREXIT Report

Download File

Centre for the Rural Economy BREXIT Report

Download File

GWA ATED Advice Note

Download File

Conservatives for Britain Brexit Farming Doc

Download File

Owen Patterson's Oxford Speech

Download File

Withdrawing form the EU (Cabinet Office)

Download File

Yorkshire Ag Society Brexit Report

Download File

Managing Chalara

Download File

Chalara Advice

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NNPA Newsletter

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Download File

Fly Tipping Leaflet

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Angling Lobby v. Farming

Download File

Red Squirrel Booklet

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EPC Letter Page 2

Download File

EPC Letter Page 1

Download File

Grants for Forestry Business Flier

Download File

Northumberland Drop in Sessions

Download File

Defra Rural Productivity Plan

Download File

FC Cross Compliance Operations Note

Download File

NECA Statement of Intent

Download File

Response to Scottish Fishery Review.

Download File

What will Rural Communities look like in the future?

Download File

Changes to On-Shore Wind DCLG

Download File

Changes to On-Shore Wind DECC

Download File

EA Fish Fungus

Download File

Guidance on Tree Felling & Trimming & Cross Compliance

Download File

Natural England Delivery Plan

Download File

Natural England Organogram - North East

Download File

Bicycle races South

Download File

Bicycle Races North

Download File

In River Works, Till

Download File

RTC Response to Kill Licence SEA

Download File

RTC Response to carcass tagging/kill licence.

Download File

Community Flood Guide

Download File

Northumberland Planning Changes

Download File

April Stewardship Update

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New Extreme Fire Risk Sign

Download File

JLAF Appplication Form

Download File

Defra Feb CAP Update

Download File

Labour Party Animal Welfare Policies

Download File

NECA Prospectus

Download File

Deloittes Report into NCC Planning Dept

Download File

Notes on Preliminary Stewardship Grant (Woodland Creation)

Download File

HLS USD Letter

Download File

Stewardship Claim Letter

Download File

Plain English Planning Doc

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Northumberland Planning Consultation Meetings.

Download File

December Stewardship Rates

Download File

Defra December CAP Update

Download File

Defra CAP Update October

Download File

1st Page Netting Letter Response

Download File

Second Page of Netting Response

Download File


Download File

FC PWO Areas & Contacts

Download File

Barningham Biomass Invite

Download File

Natural England Response to Paul Hedley

Download File

Paul Hedley letter to Natural England

Download File

Netting Letter

Download File

August CAP Update

Download File

HSE Cattle & Access Guidance

Download File

Flood Protection Booklet

Download File

Sandstone Way Summary

Download File

Northern Forestry - Roots to prosperity

Download File

Natural England NE partner Communication

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EA Q&A on Coastal Netting

Download File

RFS Updated Chalara Guidance Note

Download File

Greening: Work out what it means for you.

Download File

Hadrians Wall Management Final Report

Download File

ESI Squirrel Guide

Download File

Ministerial Statement on CAP Greening

Download File

Defra LEADER Guidance

Download File

CAP Reform Update

Download File

Response to FC consultation on engagement with stakeholders

Download File

RGN Marketing Course Form

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Forestry Commission Update

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Scottish Referendum - Borderlands

Download File

Ministerial Statement on Farm Building Conversion

Download File

Flood Support Scheme

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National Park Consultation Response

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Defra CAP Consultation Response

Download File

NNPA Covering Email

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NNPA Draft Environmental Vision

Download File

RGN Rural Hub Marketing Grant Application Form

Download File

RGN Rural Hub Marketing Grant Guidance Note

Download File

Leadership Board Briefing

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NFLG CAP Response

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Northern Forestry Sector Briefing Note

Download File

ESI Squirrel Guide

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HMRC Red Diesel & Gritting Guidance

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RICS Flood Advice

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Septic Tank Doc

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Defra Farm Inspection Guide

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Meeting Notes from Forestry Commission meeting 26th Sept

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Till Restoration Strategy

Download File


Download File


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North East Economic Review

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Cross Compliance on Game Management

Download File

Borderlands Report re Scottish Independence

Download File

November 2012 Newsletter

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Defra Network LEP Offer

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Defra RDPE Transition Letter

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Defra Catchment Based Approach

Download File

Defra CAP Reform RDPE August Update

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Report on S o S Visit

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Chalara Control Plan Summary

Download File


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Rural Economic Statistics

Download File

2013 Chalara Management Plan

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Defra CAP Reform Direct Payments August Update

Download File

In this section you will find a rich resource of documents and reports. Please feel free to download any of your choice.